Fire Safety Services

Expertise is central to all our fire services. Our knowledgeable assessors can draw on their specialist training and experience to help you achieve and maintain compliance. They balance fire safety requirements with practical and commercial needs, resulting in straightforward solutions.

Fire Safety Management


Conduct monthly checks and remove any fire hazards that are found in the buildings.

Fire Safety System Maintenance


Oversee the fire system and ensure that they are in good operating systems.

Education & Training


Educate building occupants in establishing a fire safety environment and basic fire fighting and rescue.

Fire Drills and Table-top exercise


Set-up a fire-safety committee made up of suitable staff from the occupants of the buildings.

Fire Safety Audits and Inspections


To identify non-conformances and propose corrective actions in our reports.

Co-ordination with SCDF


To notify and work closely with SCDF on all matters relating to fire-safety and requirements including application, submission and enforcement matters.

Company Emergency Response Team (CERT)


To help Building Owners to prepare for the CERT audit by SCDF.

Provision of FSM Professionals


We source for FSMs and deploy them to your buildings.

Fire Certificate


Provision of Professional Engineers to Check, Test and Certify Existing Fire Safety Installations for the Purpose of Applying for the Fire Certificate.